Simplify Your Holiday Cleaning
Preparing for Holiday Guests
Cleaning up before and after the holidays is hands down the worst part of the holidays. It can be frustrating spending hours cleaning up only to see the house back to disarray after a few hours. But here’s the thing: you don’t have to spend hours to have a clean house! One Good Thing Blog highlights some great holiday cleaning tips using Powerizer Complete
Powerizer is the only you need for holiday cleaning.
Powerizer's cleaning solutions will ease the stress of the holidays, so pour you a glass of wine and enjoy your friends and family this holiday season.
Powerizer Kitchen Cleaning Tips:
One 1 scoop or less is all you need
Appliances and Cabinets: Nothing makes a kitchen look neat like clean appliances. Show your appliances and cabinets some love, and they’ll return the favor by making your kitchen look sparkling clean. Add one (1) scoop of Powerizer to 16-20 oz. container of water. Use a spray bottle, squeeze bottle or the sink. One application is all you will need to clean the backsplash, cabinets, countertops, refrigerator and stove top. To clean toughly burnt on messes in the oven, make a oven cleaner concentrated paste and leave it on for a couple of minutes. Then scrub away!
Blender: Cleaning a blender isn’t easy.. Unlike pots and pans, blenders have lots of little nooks and crannies, plus sharp blades. Cleaning it by hand can not only be dangerous but also wastes a lot of time. Try our 30-second method to get a good as new blender! Add 1/4 scoop of Powerizer and 1 cup of water to the blender and turn on for 30 seconds. Voila! A clean blender!
Coffee Pot: There's no need to have a specialty cleaner when you have Powerizer on hand. Chances are that you don’t deep clean your coffee maker as often as you should. Did you know that a study found that your coffee maker probably has a higher germ count than some spots in your bathroom...Yikes! To make sure you don’t drink bacteria coffee, Powerizer works great as a coffee pot cleaner. Add 1/2 scoop and 8-12 cups of water to coffee pot and run the coffee pot two (2) cycles, then again with just plain water.
Microwave: Microwaves can be super convenient and helpful for life on the go but cleaning them regularly can be a pain. If you have been avoiding cleaning the microwave because you think it requires more elbow grease than you want to use, then we have good news for you! Use the steam clean method, just add 1/4 scoop and 2 cups of water in a microwavable safe bowl, turn on for 3 minutes and wipe away the mess!
Floors: Cleaning floors doesn’t have to a massive procedure that require multiple appliance cleaners. Use Powerizer for easy and stress-free cleaning. Add 1/4 - 1/2 scoop into mop bucket for the floors and baseboards. Larger areas may require 1 scoop.
Dishes: With holiday cooking and extra members in the house, you are bound to have loads of dishes every night. Powerizer is the best dishwasher detergent to clean your dishes perfectly! Simple add 1/2 to 3/4 scoop of Powerizer for a large load of dishes in the dishwasher and add 1/2 scoop to soak pots and pans in the sink as a degreaser.