Tips For Cleaning Tile & Grout With Powerizer Complete
The Best Way To Clean Tile & Grout
Powerizer Complete is a Detergent and Multi-Purpose Cleaner, that’s safe and effective for bathroom cleaning. In a recent survey, 29,000 of the 32,000 consumers who responded to our survey were excited and wanted one multi-purpose bathroom cleaner, which scored second only to use for laundry care but only by a smidgen. To further validation check out Powerizer reviews on our website. They are posted by customers sharing how Powerizer did a fantastic job cleaning tile and grout. So, we wanted to share with all our follower’s tips on how to obtain the same stain blasting result when tried at home.
Here is a list of the best tools recommended for cleaning tile and grout.
- Powerizer Complete
- Bottle with a Breath Tip filled with 16 oz of water and one (1) scoop of Powerizer Complete to make a Concentrated Mixture
- Hand Dish Scrubber Brush
- Spray Bottle with plain water
- WonderWedgie Microfiber Mop
- Microfiber Cleaning Cloths
- Bucket to make a Wash Solution using one (1) scoop of Powerizer Complete to one (1) gallon of warm water.
- Squeegee and Dust Pan
The tips described below will simplify your cleaning process
First, make a Concentrated Mixture and a Wash Solution using the measurements described above. Make sure the solution has about 5 minutes to breathe with the tip open. Also, make sure the detergent granules have a chance to dissolve. Mixing with warm to hot water is best.
Second, wet the surface using a Microfiber cloth, wipe the entire surface of the tile and grout using the Wash solution mixture. This will help to remove hairs from the surfaces, which commonly accumulate quickly throughout the house. In this instance, it’s a great idea to close the drain of the tub and sink so that hair does not rinse down the pipes. Any hair or larger debris should be gathered and dumped in the trash.
Third, scrub the surface. Return to areas where stains are still present.
· For the grout seams, sprinkle Powerizer Complete in a granular powder onto them to make a super-concentrated bathroom cleanser.
· Cleaning vertical surfaces can be challenging; apply Powerizer Complete using a squeeze bottle filled with a concentrated solution onto the vertical grout lines instead.
· Use the WonderWedgie Microfiber Mop to reach the harder to reach areas of your shower and behind the toilet. For scrubbing grout seams of the tile, use the mechanical wedge built into the mop head. It locks in place, allowing the microfiber mop to scrub the grout and lift the stain more effectively.
For even tougher stains, sprinkle Powerizer onto a wet nylon hand dish scrubber. This helps clump the powder into the bristles, which is an effective way to apply Powerizer to the surface.
Last, be sure to rinse all surfaces with plain water. Whenever water can drain quickly like the shower, spray, or wipe the surface using plain water. When cleaning floors; use a damp cloth first to absorb as much of the solution from the floor, then follow up using plain water to rinse the floor. Horizontal surfaces such as floors and countertops have a tendency to accumulate vast amounts of liquid. Squeegee the fluid into a dustpan and dump it down the toilet or sink. Finally, spray the floor using a spray bottle filled with plain water onto any surface, not already rinsed clean. Avoid allowing puddles of water to sit on horizontal surfaces for a long period of time. Microfiber cloths are capable of absorbing liquids seven (7) times their weight, which is excellent for absorbing water quickly. You will know your floor is rinsed clean when the liquid absorbed from the surface wrings clean into the sink, toilet, or tub.

How to clean tile and grout with Powerizer Complete is error-proof. A simplified chart with directions for use can be found on the back of the bag and our website. Adding more Powerizer will increase the cleaning concentration.
Depending on the severity of stains, adjustments may be necessary when trying to blast stains from grout. When used routinely, cleaning with Powerizer will become more straightforward, requiring less work, saving time and money. Think of Powerizer next time you're looking to safely and effectively clean your tile and grout.