Essential Workers Guide To Preventing The Spread Of The Coronavirus
We are thankful for the Essential Workers who provide services and work duties to support those in need. We need to pray for the selfless and caring hospital staff and service personnel who continue to show up to work every day. They must armor themselves with confidence and positivity to make it through the day. Let's not underestimate they are putting themselves on the front lines against the Coronavirus. They have every right to be concerned as they head out the door and return home from their jobs during this pandemic. We have gathered necessary precautions for essential workers to avoid contracting the virus and or potentially bringing it back and spreading it to their loved ones.
An abundance of information is floating around about "What is the Coronavirus? And How Can I Protect Myself (and others) from the COVID-19? The World Health Organization has a recommendation for killing the virus. It's survival time depends on the surface it attaches itself to. The John Hopkins University Coronavirus Resource Center explains how to disintegrate the Coronavirus effectively. Research has now described it as a DNA Protein, unlike bacteria, which is a bug. Instead, it's destroyed by breaking down its outer lipid (fat layer), making it unable to attach to a host, which is a common characteristic of a parasite.
Powerizer Complete is a natural laundry detergent and cleaner which contains the active ingredient Sodium Percarbonate. When mixed with water, it creates Hydrogen Peroxide, which is the safer choice color-safe bleach alternative in Powerizer. You can not disinfect a surface without properly cleaning it first. All you need is Powerizer All In One Detergent and Cleaner that will safely and effectively clean all your surfaces, not just your laundry and dishes but everything.
Below are suggestions an Essential Worker may need to consider while at work, during their commute and upon the return to their home.
Start your day with a clean workspace.
We recommend cleaning your work area as soon as you arrive.
First, make a concentrated natural multi surface cleaner using hot water.
Use a microfiber cleaning cloth to wipe down all surfaces you come in contact with while performing your job.
- Avoid using air conditioning in your vehicle or work. Instead, open the windows. It's known to float in the air in confined spaces for up to 3 hours. However, hot, dry air, with less humidity, is better at speeding up the disintegration of the virus. Exposure to sunlight also helps to dismantle the infection faster. Refrain from bringing unnecessary items into your workspace. If things like your purse, jacket, lunch pail, or a toolbox are required, place them in a confined area like a drawer, cabinet, or a locker out of sight.
- Place your food into the refrigerator only if you have to. Its one less door handle to touch and reduces the risk of others touching it. Wrap items placed in the fridge in two grocery bags. Remove your items from the bag before placing them on the table. Return the used containers in the remaining bag and stow it away until its time to leave home. If working at a construction site, consider putting your empty containers in the trunk of the car until you return home to wash them.
- Bring your eating utensils to avoid placing your hand into a container that multiple people may be touching as well. Using plastic utensils would be preferred.
- Pour hot water over the mouth of your drinking containers before filling it with your beverage. Avoid using community beverage dispensers like a coffee pot or a vending machine. When necessary, use a tissue to grab handles and throw it away immediately. Wash your hands before opening lids to your canned beverages. Another wipe down won't hurt.
- Perform a foot push, elbow, or a rear bump to avoid touching doors and buttons with your hands. If you must touch a door equipped with a knob, immediately wash your hands with hot soapy water for at least 20 seconds.
- Dry your hands using a clean paper towel or tissue. Use that same tissue to cover the toilet flush lever. Wash your hands a second time on the way out. Use the new dry tissue to push or twist the doorknob to exit the room. Carry it with you to open the next door, then throw it away before returning to your workspace.
- Consider soaking community tools used on a job site in a Powerizer soak solution. Fill the bucket with hot water and one (1) scoop of Powerizer to one (1) gallon of water.
- Disposable cotton make-up pads soaked in alcohol are easy to make and is a quick disinfectant. Use them to wipe down surfaces; others may be touching. Fill a travel-sized spray bottle with either Pure Hydrogen Peroxide or Alcohol to complete your disinfecting process. The 3 oz. bottle easily fits in the pocket of your smock, toolbox, or your purse. Place one on your desk to use throughout the day.
- For face cleansing, consider using Noxema pads, its number one ingredient is alcohol. Perform a quick wipe, especially after eating or when you have been in close contact with someone.
- Moisturize your hands, so the virus doesn't settle into the cracks of your hands and keep your nails clean.
- Avoid using a revolving door entrance. The virus floats in a confined area for up to 3 hours. Instead, look for the handicapped access and use the electronic button to launch the door open.
- Use an elbow to touch an elevator keypad. Do not touch hand railings. Avoid leaning into walls of high traffic areas.
Precautions for Staying Safe on your Commute Home From Work
Place all removable work gear in the trunk of your vehicle. The virus begins to break down at 132 degrees Fahrenheit. Similar to the recommendations of leaving luggage to kill bed bugs in the trunk on a hot sunny day. The extreme heat would destroy the Coronavirus if it settled on any surface of the items you carried from your job.
Use a microfiber cloth dampened with Powerizer to effectively clean surfaces in your vehicle before you spray a disinfectant. Next, use your home-made alcohol pads or a pure mixture of Hydrogen Peroxide to disinfect the steering wheel, door handle, and the control knobs of the dashboard.
Personal Cleaning when you return home from work.
- Refrain from sitting in community areas of the house, like the sofa or the kitchen table. Do not touch remote controls, light switches, or appliances until you have washed your hands and removed your work attire. Leave work shoes in the garage, mudroom, or outside.
- Undress from your work attire in one area of the house. The smartest location would be a separate bathroom, mudroom, garage, or the laundry room.
- Store dirty clothes in a contained bag or soak them immediately in Powerizer Laundry Detergent, make a solution using hot water. For less worry, wash your clothes using the sanitize cycle. The temperatures reach up to 140 degrees. Follow up with placing the clothes in the drier immediately.
- Whenever possible, wear colorfast items to work that is safe to wash in hot water so the fabrics won't bleed. In this instance, always use two (2) scoops of Powerizer Complete. Beware dye cast-off is more likely to occur when washing in hot water. You can fix fabrics from bleeding by performing this method. Just incase be selective in your work wardrobe during these times.
- Take a hot shower as soon as possible using soapy water to wash the virus off of your skin. Antibacterial soap is not necessary. Remember, the virus is not bacteria.
If you wake up feeling sick, do not go to work. Self-quarantine and follow the recommendations for social distancing to be sure you are not infecting others.
Now that there is no mystery about how the virus spreads. It's essential to cover your nose and mouth every time you sneeze or cough, so that airborne droplets do not infect you or others around you. Along with common sense, personal hygiene, and social distancing, we hope these recommendations ease your mind and help to slow down the spread of COVID-19 and other potential illnesses.