One Cleaning Solution For Light Fixtures
It's incredible how merely cleaning your light fixtures brightens a room. It's a task most avoid simply because we may not look up to the ceiling enough to see what's going on. Over time your light coverings accumulate dust, lint, insects, and cooking residues. A film covers them that surprisingly lessen the light from your bulbs.
If you are a plant lover, it's not uncommon for one plant to harvest nats, and next thing you know, all the light coverings become a graveyard of insects trapped inside. After taking them down, we cleaned each light covering with Powerizer Complete and nothing else. Here is how simple it is to use a multipurpose detergent and cleaner that cleans everything dirty like light fixtures.
Mix it.
Fill your sink, bucket, or bathtub with 1 gallon of water and 1 scoop of Powerizer Complete. Preferably enough water to submerge the light covering in water completely. If two gallons of water is needed, add a second scoop of detergent.
Soak it.
After removing your light fixture covering, remove any foreign particles or insects, then drop it in the Powerizer solution and soak for as long as possible.
Wash it.
We waited 10 minutes and then wiped the surfaces using a Powerizer Microfiber Cloth to remove dirt and residue.
Rinse it.
Next, you must rinse the light covering using plain water. When possible, rinse using hot water, so the glass dries faster.
Polish it.
When possible, simply air-dry the light covering. Nine times out of ten Powerizer rinses clean, leaving a spot-free, residue-free finish. If a few water spots remain, buff them away using a Powerizer Ultra Plush Microfiber Cloth. You may need to spray the cloth to dampen it to help remove water spots.
Multitask it.
If you are a multitask-er, make room for it in the next dishwasher load. Placement of the light covering in the dishwasher is essential. Make sure the water runoff doesn't cause a puddle therefore place the light covering with the opening faced down. Pour ¾ of a scoop of Powerizer Complete into the dispenser. Run the full dish cycle. Upon removing the light covering, check for water that may be trapped in crevices. Dry and polish when necessary, as described in the previous paragraph.
Maintain it.
We found one bathroom light covering that regularly accumulates lint and dust. It requires a little more maintenance. In this instance, we didn't find it necessary to remove the light covering. The sink below was able to capture all the detergent runoff. Also, it's rather large and somewhat fragile. Instead, we wiped the entire surface using Powerizer Complete. The dust from the exterior was easily removed using a damp microfiber cloth. During the wiping, you may feel the fabric hesitate as it encounters dirt. As the detergent begins to dissolve the residues, the material simply glides across the surface. A visible white film covers the light fixture. The next step is to use a clean cloth to saturate the surface with just plain water. Rinse the fabric, scrub, rinse, and repeat until the detergent, and residues are removed. You will know its clean when the water cascades down the glass covering. The last step is to polish the surfaces with a clean cloth.
These simple steps for cleaning light fixtures and their coverings is an easy task when your using a true multipurpose detergent or cleaner. Check out these other blogs that bring a little more insight into cleaning similar things in your home. Powerizer offers a discount purchase program. Enroll in the Powerizer Subscribe and Save Program and save 15% off your orders.
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